Monday, March 7, 2011

Recruiting Scandal

Right now, as you have probably heard, the Ducks are in a recruiting controversy for using a recruiting service of Willie Lyles. Lyles is a "sketchy" guy who most teams stay away from. The Ducks paid him $25,000 for recruiting service. The NCAA is investigating why the payment was so high, and what the Ducks could have possibly gotten for that. Another fishy thing was that Lyles' website has packages to purchase and there wasn't a $25,000 package until late Friday. I hope the Ducks didn't do anything wrong. NCAA is also looking into Seastrunk's relationship with Lyles. Many SEC reporters and talk show hosts have said that this is being blown out of the water, and that a lot of schools in the south are doing the same thing. This doesn't make it okay for what Oregon did, and it is good to see that people around the U of O really do care and have higher expectations for the Ducks. So hopefully this investigation will bring nothing bad, or if it does hopefully something minor so the Ducks can learn from it. Go Ducks!

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